5 ways to spice up Valentine’s Day on a Budget

This year Morgan and I are starting something new… In the past, Morgan has been in charge of Valentine’s Day and we have traded off the Anniversary. Now, we are…

The Salsa King

The Salsa King, AKA My Father in law or FIL is the King of salsa. Every fall My FIL makes a massive batch of home made salsa and “massive” is…

Christmas 2017

This year we stuck true to our traditions we set last year and for Christmas Eve, we were very excited to see that it was actually snowing! In Utah, it…

Friendsmas 2017

January 1, 2017 I texted our friends the dates of both Friendsgiving and Friendsmas for this year so that we got to have all of our friends over for the…

Leo Turns 3

I always dread when people ask me, “so what’s new with you guys?” because I never really know what to say… Same old, Morgan is killing it in school, Im…

Christmas in Color

It has been hard for me to get into the Christmas groove this year since there hasn’t been any snow in Utah. But that changed when Morgan and I took…

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Phone Down Eyes UP

A few weeks back Morgan and I were out and about getting some errands done. It was the day before Morgan’s birthday and since we are all about Birthday weekends…

Pumpkin Pickin

  Bear claw topping donut. Biscuit liquorice biscuit. Jujubes sesame snaps pudding caramels gummi bears lemon drops. Cake sesame snaps lemon drops caramels. Soufflé candy donut marzipan oat cake bear…