You Aren’t Nutella

WELCOME TO MY NEW HUB! In all honesty, this should have been up weeks ago. I have spent hours and days and a few frustrated tears over this website here…

The Fear of Striking Out

I have gone to the Utah State Fair every year for as long as I can remember. My mom was a member of the fair board for years and years…

Worth Celebrating

Confession, I wouldn’t be surprised if a survey came back proving that I really do make Morgan take more pictures than any other wife out there. We take pictures during…

Pretty Blogging Theme

Sesame snaps croissant lemon drops soufflé cookie fruitcake tootsie roll. Lemon drops muffin powder ice cream cookie tootsie roll cotton candy. Lollipop chupa chups sugar plum toffee chocolate bar…

A Slider In A Post

Cotton candy jelly jujubes chocolate ice cream. Cheesecake cupcake sweet roll chocolate apple pie. Donut jelly-o chocolate candy gingerbread icing cheesecake bear claw gingerbread. Gummi bears gingerbread muffin apple pie…

Meadowbrook Blog Kit

Example Layout template that is included:   Purchase the Meadowbrook Blog Kit for even more goodies. Included are picture overlays, social media icons, and Photoshop documents with editable post layouts…

Post With Mosaic Gallery

Bear claw topping donut. Biscuit liquorice biscuit. Jujubes sesame snaps pudding caramels gummi bears lemon drops. Cake sesame snaps lemon drops caramels. Soufflé candy donut marzipan oat cake bear claw…

Another Test Post With Gallery

Post With Auto Start Slider

Full Width Image Post

  Cotton candy jelly jujubes chocolate ice cream. Cheesecake cupcake sweet roll chocolate apple pie. Donut jelly-o chocolate candy gingerbread icing cheesecake bear claw gingerbread. Gummi bears gingerbread muffin apple…