Worth Celebrating

Confession, I wouldn’t be surprised if a survey came back proving that I really do make Morgan take more pictures than any other wife out there. We take pictures during date nights, on the couch, in the kitchen, I’ve even snapped a few of him and Leo cuddling on the couch catching a few “ZZZs” but there is one session every year that is the MOST important of all the other pictures we take throughout the year and that is our Anniversary pictures.


Morgan, bless his heart, never complains when I ask him to take a picture. He is always so supportive but he also knows that THIS is the session of all sessions this bad boy, is the one that I care about more than any other. This year, I was able to snag a great friend and wonderful photographer ( link below) to capture this year’s pictures and I couldn’t have been happier with the way they turned out. ( that is why they are all over my site) As I sit here sifting through our pictures, I feel like the same person I was a year ago. Until I look back at last years pictures and realize how much we have changed in such a short amount of time…

While I will always cherish all those other small moments, quick pics and fun outings and the pictures I have capturing the little moments, these will always be my favorite. My marriage is my single most important thing to me. Without Morgan, there would be no sweet and simple moments worth capturing. My husband has made me a better person than I was before I met him and continues to make me a better person today. Who would have thought that the quiet kid in the corner of my class senior year would become the single most important person in my life. Just two crazy kids in high school creating the rest of forever.

Marriage is so special, that day is still so important and I refuse to let it pass us by and forget its significance. Maybe that’s why I love being able to capture other bride’s big days, because I haven’t forgotten the significance of mine. Yeah, sure it has its hard times, when life throws rocks at you and all you want is to be able to crawl back into your childhood twin size bed when you biggest worry was coloring in the lines and have mom cook your dinner and do your laundry. But, its when you are able to stand up hand in hand with your number one and hit those crazy curve balls and get a home run that makes you and your spouse a better team and yourself, a better person.


I will never forget how important Morgan is and how sacred our Promises are. I challenge you to do the same for your and your spouse however long you have been married. Seeing Morgan in the same suit that he wore on our big day, cuddling in close and focusing on each other fills my heart with so much hope and excitement for the life that we have ahead. We aren’t perfect, life isn’t perfect, marriage isn’t perfect but we still genuinely love each other and I think that is worth celebrating.

Photography by Brooke <3

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