Summer to Do

How is it the first week of April?! We are already 1/4 of the way through the year! I am not too upset about it given the fact that I don’t love the winter months and it means the weather is supposed to be getting warmer… ( I’ve lived in Utah enough to know that isn’t always the case. ) Thank goodness I have my Birthday and Valentines day to break up the monotony of the “near -spring” weather. As great as it is that these bleh months have passed so quickly, unfortunately, it seems that my favorite Summer months slip by even quicker than those before. Every year, I always seem to find myself where Summer has gone and wishing I would have taken better advantage of the warm weather. But not this year! This year I am covering all my bases. I don’t know about you but Summer for me starts as soon as I can walk outside without a jacket on which means It is right around the corner. I have thought up and composed a “Summer To – Do” list. Although it is constantly being added to, I already feel prepared to fully embrace Summer and all it has to offer.

I made my To – Do List using my favorite Tombow pen which you can find Here. And learn more about Brush Lettering in my latest post Here.

When I think of summer, I think of S’mores, lakes, ocean, BBQ, chapped lips, late nights, road trips, projects, new play lists and a lot of good stories. With that being said, it was pretty easy to start a list for the summer …. here are a my top 25.

  1.  Bubble gum blowing contest
  2. Go to a Bee’s Game
  3. Eat a watermelon
  4. Watch a sunset
  5. Drive – in Movie
  6. Visit the Farmers Market
  7. Feed Ducks
  8. Hike Mt. Timp
  9. Camping in the Great Outdoors
  10. Bike rides
  11. Go Star Gazing
  12. Leave Utah
  13. Pizza Place Hop
  14. Night at the fair
  15. Country Fest Concert
  16. Road Trip
  17. Picnic in the Truck
  18. Paint a room in the house
  19. S’mores in the back yard
  20. Golfing
  21. Go Swimming
  22. Water Balloon fight
  23. Find a yard sale treasure
  24.  Run 13.1
  25. Night at the Fair


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